Mammograms Resume in May

One of the most difficult decisions we made as a practice at the onset of COVID19 was to pause lifesaving 3D screening mammography services. We know that regular breast screenings save lives by catching cancers early. Still, early pandemic information indicated that the risk of contracting the coronavirus was higher than delaying a mammogram 4 to 6 weeks.  Now that COVID-19 numbers are relatively flat in our area (excluding localized clusters/nursing homes), Public Health Order 2 will expire on April 30th.  Once again, we feel confident that the benefit of screening mammograms once again outweighs the potential risk of COVID-19. Finding breast cancer early not only saves lives, but more women are also able to keep their breasts as localized cancers can be removed without resorting to mastectomies.

Starting Monday, May 4th, screening mammograms will once again be available at all four VWC RVA locations. At the onset of the CDC/state restrictions, most existing screening mammograms were rescheduled to dates later this summer as the pandemic peak was unknown. If your mammogram was rescheduled to summer, we’re happy to reschedule it—again—to May. Just let us know.  If you’re comfortable with your later screening date, that’s fine too. No action on your part is required.